What to Bring

Place Corps provides all the materials necessry for particpating in our programs! That includes a personal computer, art supplies, design + build supplies, camping gear, and more.

As seasons change, what you need to feel comfortable during field trips may change. We ask that you dress appropriately as needed. For example, think sunscreen and hats for hot weather or thick soled boots and gloves for winter weather. We want our fellows to feel as comfortable as possible for our various workshops, trips, and adventures.


Are laptops, other tablet computers, and cell phones allowed?

Yes! Place Corps will provide a personal computer to utilize during programming. However, cellphone use is restricted during class times.

I've never camped before and I don't have gear? What will I need?

No worries if you’ve never camped before! The Place Corps team and the cohort will be there to support you through the experience. Place Corps provides tents and sleeping cots. A full packing list of what we suggest you bring for a comfortable trip will be shared before the trip. The Place Corps team will assist with meeting packing needs, just let us know and we’ll work together.